Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dragonic Overlord "The X" Decklist (Kagero)

Dragonic Overlord "The X" is the avatar card of Kai Toshiki in CF Vanguard G, this deck is focuses on retiring your opponent’s reaguards and standing the vanguard by the cost of Persona blast or G PersonaBlast, also this deck is able to countercharge and get grade 3 units from the deck.

The Initial Flame in this set is Red Pulse Dracokid, this unit allow you to search any grade 3 unit from the top 5 of your deck and add it to your hand. Useful to Stride, call it to RG or pay a persona cost.

This deck use too many counterblast to achieve pay the cost of many of the skills, to deal with it, we use Energy Flame, Aethonic when one of your opponent’s rearguard is retired you can put this unit into soul for a countercharge[2] and also for this purpuse we have Lizard General, Conroe to countercharge[2] each time the vanguard attacks, Calamity Tower to increase our hand and make easy to use legion and Tahr.


To recover Overlords from the Drop Zone, we use Bahr and Dragonic Burnout, Twilight Arrow Dragon is for retiring opponent’s rearguard also as Dragonic BurnoutDragon Knight, Nadim with a blaze skill is also useful to countercharge[1]/soulcharge[1], Burning Horn Dragon is the 12k attacker.


Dragonic Overlord "The X" is the Legion unit here, when you perform legion you can search your deck looking for an unit with the same name as unit of your unit in the vanguard circle, this is useful to pay the persona cost of this deck, also when the legion is done when you attack your opponent with this unit is the attack doesn’t hit, you can play one counterblast and one persona blast to retire two of your opponent’s rearguard if the attacks hits in this case you can use Dragonic Overlord “The End” to re-stand the vanguard by the cost of counterblast[2] and a personablast.


G Zone Features both old and new grade 4 units, Dragonic Overlord "the Ace" for going all to the vanguard and restand, Nouvelle Vague L’Express with which we put an enormous pressure on our opponent and so we can force them to defend and at least our exclusive G-guardian with the amazing to retire all your opponent’s backrow Defeat Flare Dragon.


Dragonic Kaiser Crimson Decklist (Narukami)

Dragonic CrossFire
Grade 0 (17)
Red Pulse Dracokid x1 (Starter)
Blue Ray Dracokid x4 (Critical)
Demonic Dragon Mage, Rakshasa x4 (Critical)
Gattling Claw Dragon x4 (Draw)
Dragon Dancer, Barbara x4 (Heal)
Grade 1 (14)
Calamity Tower Wyvern x1 
Energy Flame, Aethonic x2 
Lava Flow Dragon x4 (SF)
Lizard General, Conroe x2
Protect Orb Dragon x4 (PG)
Spear of the Flame Dragon, Tahr x1
Grade 2 (11)
Armor of the Flame Dragon, Bahr x1
Burning Horn Dragon x 3
Dragon Knight, Nadim x2
Dragonic Burnout x2
Twilight Arrow Dragon x3
Grade 3 (8)
Dragonic Overlord "The X" x4 (Legion)
Dragonic Overlord the End x4 (Mate)
G-Zone (16)
Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Blademaster "Taiten" x4
Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Dragonic Overlord "the Ace" x2
Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Vortex Desire x2
Transcendence Divine Dragon, Nouvelle Vague L’Express x4
G-Guardians (4)
Flame Emperor Dragon King, Asile Orb Dragon x1
Flame Wing Steel Beast, Denial Griffin x2
Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Defeat Flare Dragon x1

Download this deck to play on CF Area: here

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Published By Overlord Master.

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