Sunday, October 2, 2016

Deus Ex Machina, Demiurge Decklist (Gear Chronicle)

Deus Ex Machina, Demiurge is the ultimate card of  Ryuzu Myoujin from CF Vanguard G Stride Gate, this decklist is focused on binding <Zodiac Time Beast> (ZTB) units to use Demiurge skill to accommodate the cards on top of the deck and prevent your opponent’s from guarding with grade 1 or greater cards from hand, also this deck use <Gear Colossus> Idea-Drone units to bind units easier. Note: I built this deck taking as a base the decklist made by the Bushiroad Team.

Starting with Chrono Dran G, this card allow you to call a  ZTB unit from you deck with the same grade as a unit you superior call. (any place expect from your hand)

As many of the <Zodiac Time Beast>  units have basic skill, we are focused on explaining the Idea-Drone units intead, VoltaroIdea-drone works when this unit is placed on the bind zone from RC, with the skill to countercharge[1]  if there are 4 or more binded cards and switch a card between your hand and bind zone if the number of card is 6 or more, ChanomaiIdea-drone is your Unflipper QW, the only problem that presents this unit is that only works with <Gear Colossus> vanguard, Alithinos Idea-drone is also useful to bind a card and countercharge[1] .


Pulsar Tamer, Lugal-Ure is one the best ZTB in general, this unit gets power +2k if we have a ZTB vanguard, also this unit has the skill to Time Leap itself if we drive check a grade 3 unit, Diaperno as usual for the cost of a counterblast and bind the top card of the deck it gets power +2k and a on-hit-skill to bind cards from the deck and countercharge[1], Kaigomai is a special interceptor that works perfect with <Gear Colossus> vanguard to bind a card and also gets shield +5k.


Prospatheia Idea-drone may be the main vanguard in this deck, this unit is used to bind cards and for sending opponent’s rearguards to the bottom of the deck, also its GB2 is helpful in the moment of guarding something we may need if we count this unit use QW to protect itselft, Ergasia Idea-drone is a good unit for binding cards and also our second choice to ride and at last Chronofang Tiger our ZBT in a minor way for easy strides.


The best way to stride even when this deck doesn’t use Stridder Fodder is using Metapulsar,Altered Dragon you can stride this unit for the cost of a counterblast and by binding a <Gear Colossus> or a <Zodiac Time Beast>  card from our hand, this unit also help us to bind two cards from the top 5 of the deck, it gets power +2k for each card in the bind zone and also if you have 5 cards or more countercharge[1],  Deus Ex Machina, Demiurge your main and finisher card and Deus Ex Machina,  Ergos useful in the case you can’t pay the cost of Metapulsar, Altered Dragon.


Special Announcement ☆ New Group ★

We have a new group now, share everything you want out there, it doesn't have many members, so join the group, i hope we get closer there.

Perfect Paradise
Grade 0 (17)
Chrono Dran G x1 (Starter) (ZTB)
Anarchia Idea-drone x4 (Critical)
Chronovolley Rabbit x3 (Critical) (ZTB)
Chronotimer Leghorn x2 (Stand) (ZTB)
Chronodoze Sheep x3 (Draw) (ZTB)
Chronotherapy Hamster 4 (Heal) (ZTB)
Grade 1 (13)
Alithinos Idea-drone x2
Chanomai Idea-drone x3 (QW)
Steam Scalar, Emellanna x1 (QW)
Chronocharge Unicorn x2 (ZTB)
Chronodash Peccary x2 (ZTB)
Chronoethos Jackal x2 (ZTB)
Voltaro Idea-drone x2
Grade 2 (12)
Diaperno Idea-drone x3
Kaigomai Idea-drone x2
Pulsar Tamer, Lugal-Ure x2 (ZTB)
Chronoclaw Monkey x1 (ZTB)
Chronobeat Buffalo x1 (ZTB)
Chronospin Serpent x1 (ZTB)
Pulsar, Speedy Bunny x1 (ZTB)
Grade 3 (8)
Prospatheia Idea-drone x4
Ergasia Idea-drone x1
Chronofang Tiger x1 (ZTB)
Chronofang Tiger G x1 (ZTB)
Chronojet Dragon G x1 (ZTB)
G-Zone (16)
☆ Deus Ex Machina, Demiurge ★ x1
Deus Ex Machina, Ergos x1
Metapulsar, Altered Dragon x4 (ZTB)
Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Dragon x1
Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Revolution x2
Interdimensional Dragon, Warp Drive Dragon x3
G-Guardian (4)
Highbrow Steam, Raphanna x1
Interdimensional Beast, Pandora Chimera x1
Retroactive Time Maiden, Uluru x2

Download this deck to play on CF Area: here

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Published By Blaster Magician/ Overlord Master


  1. Nicee!!!, and also its a beta so i perhaps hope a update in the future :)

    1. I don't know how this deck can get any better, of course i'll test this deck in the future even it is just a Fun Deck.

  2. Not trying rebellion? Is it because hard to guarantee the vanguard is chronofang?

    1. the vanguard is Prospatheia Idea-drone, for obvious reasons( gear colossus engine), in the worst of the case you may use Chronofang, so Rebellion this time, will be a waste.
