Friday, October 21, 2016

Honorary Professor, Arusha Chatnoir Decklist (Great Nature)

Honorary Professor, Chatnoir and SpecialAppointment Professor, Arusha used by Ryuzu Myoujin from CF Vanguard G Stride Gate are the main cards in this decklist, This deck is focused on empowering your rearguard sometimes to remove them and at times apply an effect by doing so, either draw a card or countercharge. This time using also Chatnoir’s Break Ride to empowering your rearguard and Arusha for a good re-stand, this deck also features some cards with the new keyword ability Success.

Jumping to the stage, Telescope Rabbit allow you to give power +4000 to another rearguard and you have to retire it at the end of the turn, for the cost of a counterblast and resting this unit.

Alibelly is the perfect unit to boost units with the success ability, it also can be useful  anytime of the game as its ability does not work when this unit is placed on rearguard, Label Pangolin is good for countercharge[1]/Soulcharge[1] when the chosen unit is power +20k or more. Honorary Assistant, Mikesaburo can be very helpful if you want to get an extra G3 for the breakride. Some cards you should contemplate are Coiling Duckbill and Tic-Toc Flamingo.

Sleepy Tapir which is a very good card because it allows us to empower your rearguards with power +4k when attacking addition to resist ability, Field Glass Otter is a charming unit that can provide power+4000 and also can return to hand when it’s Success 20,000, Set Square Peguin for Countercharge and at last our well known Crayon Tiger for powerful stands.


Honorary Professor, Chatnoir is a Break Ride unit, when another unit ride this unit it gets power +10k and a skill to give power +4k to any of your rearguard that attacks the vanguard and at the end, draw a card and retire it, Special Appointment Professor, Arusha is good for standing itself when it’s in Success 25000 and Tusk Master also for powerful stands.


Omniscience Dragon, Hrimthurs is a good option for our first stride, using this card you can empower your rearguards for a soulblast, Omniscience Dragon, Cath Palug like Chatnoir, can give power +4k to any of your rearguard that attacks the vanguard and at the end, draw a card and retire it for the cost of a counterblast, Afanc is also good unit when you want to empower your rearguards without retiring them, Immortality Professor, Kundalini is a good G-guard that also allow you to countercharge[1].


Are you a Great Nature player? Check this out!
Famous Professor, Bigbelly Success Decklist (Great Nature)

Ashura Chatnoir
Grade 0 (17)
Telescope Rabbit x1 (Starter) 
Holder Hedgehog x4 (Critical)
Triangle Cobra x2 (Critical)
Watering Elephant x4 (Stand)
Castanet Donkey x2 (Draw)
Dictionary Goat x4 (Heal)
Grade 1 (14)
Contradictory Instructor, Shell Master x4 (PG)
Diligent Assistant, Minibelly x4 (SF)
Honorary Assistant, Mikesaburo x2
Label Pangolin x2
Scholarship Student, Alibelly x2
Grade 2 (11)
Crayon Tiger x4
Field Glass Otter x3
Set Square Penguin x2
Sleepy Tapir x2
Grade 3 (8)
Honorary Professor, Chatnoir x4 (Break Ride)
Special Appointment Professor, Arusha x3
Contradictory Instructor, Tusk Master x1
G-Zone (16)
Immortality Professor, Phoeniciax x1
Omniscience Dragon, Afanc x1
Omniscience Dragon, Cath Palug x2
Omniscience Dragon, Hrimthurs x2
Omniscience Dragon, Managarmr x2
4x Sage-saint Professor, Bigbelly x4
G-Guardians (4)
Head Of the Bastion, Ardillo x2
Immortality Professor, Kundalini x2

Download this deck to play on CF Area: here

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Published By Blaster Magician/ Overlord Master.

1 comment:

  1. Lets just say there are better deck profiles out there...
    1: Why is there no Coiling Duck Bill it is staple in every great nature deck. You probabaly want to take out 2 Minibelly and 2 Ailbelly for 4 Coiling Duckbill for extra draw power.
    2: For your Grade 2 Line-up you want 2 Compass Lion for Set Square Penguin, Set Square penguin is just a waste of RG space and Deck Space, Compass Lion provides a high power RG that is also very cheap, another thing is run 2 Field Glass Otter and 3 Sleepy Tapir for more consistencey.
    3. Do not run 6 Crit, 4 Stand, 4 Heal and 2 Draw. A more optimal trigger line-up would be 10 Crit, 2 Draw and 4 Heal for more early game pressure and consistency.
    4. Please don't run Tuskmaster if you are running Crayon Tiger and Sleepy Tapir. It just doesn't make sense and is a waste of RG Space. Instead run +1 Minibelly
