Neo Nectar is a clan of the Zoo Nation, They are Bioroids, Forest Dragons, Elfs, Insect, Sylph and others. Neo Nectar generates the largest share of all produce, as well as grains, among the six major nations.
Neo Nectar's playstyle focuses on "growth", specifically calling units from the deck who share the same card name as units that are already on the field, as well as giving power boosts to units who share the same name.
The Musketeers, however, deviate from this playstyle by focusing on retiring their allies as costs to call more allies, while retaining the clan's ability to gain power by calling multiple units.
The Maidens have a slightly different playstyle as well, with being able to call units during the battle phase to gain more attacks. They too gain power, but more specifically with giving power to cards of the same name rather than gaining power when calling.
Keyword Bloom: A "Bloom" ability only activates when another of your units who has same card name as the unit possessing it is placed on your (RC). When it does, it allows you to perform the effects specified on it, such as power increase or getting new abilities (after paying any cost required).
Maiden of Profuse
Nectar card activation number