Shadow Paladin

Shadow Paladin is a clan from the United Sanctuary nation, Like the Royal Paladins and the Gold Paladins Their units are styled around Humans, Angels, Elfs, Beasts, Demons, Dragons, Giants, Golems, Ghost, Knights and Witches.

They are primary focused in retiring your own units as the cost for their abilities, Shadow Paladin uses superior calling to fuel the costs of their vanguards' skills, the clan also focuses on replacing the opponent's units with grade 0 in order to weaken their attacking force (Witches). In Cardfight!! Vanguard G, Shadow Paladins focuses on gaining benefits from retiring rear-guards for the cost of a unit's ability and superior calling grade 1 units, in contrast to Royal Paladin's focus on Grade 2 or greater units.

Keyword Ritual: A "Ritual" ability remains active, or can only be used, as long as the number of grade 1 cards in your drop zone is the same stated number or more.


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  1. Do you have a deckles for Phantom Blaster Overlord?

  2. Too late for reveal all new deck. Plz from next set like chaos, messiah and gbt13 be prepare for those deck.because when its release people search for for deck what they should put.
